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  • Creche is for children aged 3 years or younger, ensuring parents can engage with the service message while their children play in a safe environment.

  • Children's Church is for children aged 4-9 during the service message, where volunteer helpers lead engaging activities like Bible lessons, songs, crafts, games, and snacks. If your child has any special needs or dietary requirements, please inform the helpers. We aim to provide an inclusive and enjoyable experience for all children.

  • Holiday Bible Club is a week-long event held during the long weekend school holidays, specifically designed for children aged 12 and younger. Every year, we choose an exciting theme around which the activities revolve. During the week, children engage in interactive Bible lessons, enjoy skits, music, food, and games, all at no cost to participants. It's a Christ-centred, fun-filled and educational experience for kids to learn about the Bible in an enjoyable way.


  • EPIC is a monthly ministry designed for students in Junior High (years 7-9). It's a special time where our young people can explore life's big questions, learn about Jesus, build friendships, and enjoy themselves with various activities.


  • IGNITE is a ministry that happens every two weeks for young adults. It includes regular Bible study sessions, social events, and opportunities to get involved in ministry activities. Our aim is to help young people find joy in knowing and growing in their relationship with Christ.

  • Cultivate Discipleship is a ministry entirely dedicated to Christian discipleship. Our main goal is to equip, enrich, and deepen your understanding of the fundamental principles of the Christian faith. Through this ministry, we aim to enhance your ability to share the gospel effectively and to discuss important topics of the Christian faith with confidence. We believe this is vital for your growth as a Christian.


  • Care groups focus on building a sense of family as we journey together through God’s Word. These groups meet every other week to share fellowship, study the Bible, and pray together. In addition to spiritual activities, care groups also organize ministry projects and social events, providing opportunities for deeper connections within the church community. With multiple groups meeting across Western Sydney, our goal is to help you find a group that suits your needs and preferences.

  • Men’s Coffee Club welcomes all men and their friends to join. Each month, the men gather at a local café for coffee and breakfast. This gathering is a great opportunity for fellowship, mutual encouragement, and simply enjoying a good cup of coffee together.

  • FBC Ladies organize monthly events tailored for women, covering a wide range of activities from ministry initiatives to baby showers and mother/daughter events. In addition to these special occasions, our ladies participate in Bible studies, visit the elderly and sick, and arrange enjoyable activities to bond together.


  • Evangelism efforts are organised every Thursday and Saturday within our local community. Whether it's door-knocking or distributing tracts by the train station, these activities provide opportunities to share the gospel and enhance your skills in one-on-one evangelism. 

  • To support your growth in sharing your faith, we conduct evangelistic training annually. Previous courses have included topics such as "Share Jesus without Fear," "Two Ways to Live," "Good Soil Evangelism," and "Stand to Reason."

  • FBC missions committee coordinates fundraising events and mission-focused activities throughout the year to raise awareness of our missionaries and their requirements.


  • We encourage participation in conferences organised by the AFBC, the Australian Fellowship of Bible Church and by KCC, an interdenominational organization that hosts annual events in the Blue Mountains. Our men attend Basecamp, women attend One Love, and kids join Onward. For more details on these KCC conferences, please visit

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